Creative Writing Workshops on Essay and Place by Mario Aquilina.
Bookings are open for workshops aimed for members of the general public starting on 28th September 2024. Participants will attend 5 sessions on Saturday mornings (9:00-12:00) in beautiful Heritage Malta sites around Malta. Participation in the workshops is free of charge. Very limited places are available. Register by email:
Essay writing workshops in English in Malta coming up in October and November 2024.
Participants will attend a total of 5 sessions held on Saturday mornings (9:00-12:00) for a total of 15 hours of contact time. The sessions will be facilitated by Prof. Mario Aquilina from the Department of English at UM at the University of Malta. This particular workshop series is being conceived as a collaborative writing space […]
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Kors tal-kitba tal-esej letterarju dwar xi mkien Bejn nofs Ottubru u l-bidu ta’ Diċembru, bħala parti mill-proġett internazzjonali Essays Beyond Borders immexxi mill-Prof. Mario Aquilina, se nagħmel kors prattiku ta’ seba’ sessjonijiet ta’ sagħtejn ta’ kitba tal-esej letterarju bil-Malti għall-istudenti tal-Università. (Għall-pubbliku inġenerali se jsiru sessjonijiet apparti.) Dan ġeneru ta’ kitba letterarja li joffrilna ħafna possibilitajiet u nemmen […]