Participants will attend a total of 5 sessions held on Saturday mornings (9:00-12:00) for a total of 15 hours of contact time. The sessions will be facilitated by Prof. Mario Aquilina from the Department of English at UM at the University of Malta.
This particular workshop series is being conceived as a collaborative writing space in which the participants and the tutor learn from each other in different ways.
The workshops are open to the general public, especially established or aspiring writers or journalists. There will be a limit of 14 participants, and registrations (opening soon) will be on a first come first served basis. All the sessions are free of charge.
The methodology for the workshops will include lectures, seminars, location-based writing sessions, peer reviewing and detailed editing.
A detailed workshop programme with dates, locations and session content will be published in the next few weeks. The focus will be on the theme of place and on connecting the personal with the public, memory with argument, the tangible with the abstract.
Participants will write and read essayistic texts, and they will be followed during and after the end of the workshop series with the aim of getting their writing ready for publication.
More details will be announced in due course. In the meantime, anyone interested in the workshops can get in touch with Mario Aquilina for more information.